RÜ.NET focus is delivering technological excellence and addressing the evolving challenges faced by the global defence industry to protect civilians and create safe environments around the world
Milestone 1,000,000 square metres achieved
Two new GCS-200 demining platforms "Faith" and "Love" delivered from EU to Ukraine
Provincial Explosive Awareness and Reporting training continues in local municipalities
A technical & administrative achievement: demining Shyroke with Serhii Peresunko, municipal director
Anatolii Lytvynenko leases eight hectares to NIBULON, now NIBULON have helped demine his land to rescue his harvest
Demining Ukraine by Ukrainians: leaseholders and agriculture working together
Kulykivka District Municipality managers receive PEAR training
Volunteer municipality guards latest recipients of develoPPP funded training
Chernihiv municipality Муніципальна варта м. Чернігів ensured a warm welcome and an attentive audience for our latest PEAR training