Demining Ukraine by Ukrainians: leaseholders and agriculture working together

In this latest short film by for NIBULON Ltd and Global Clearance Solutions (GCS), international investment is most empowering and effective when it is directed sustainably and in consultation with local businesses and communities.

DEG Impulse, part of the develoPPP programme with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) involved leading Ukrainian agricultural company NIBULON and global demining solutions provider GCS to create a robust, sustainable structure for humanitariandemining where it is needed most. In Mikolaiv, land owner Natalia Kozlovska leases her plot to NIBULON, who were not only able to clear her land of mines and other explosive remnants of war using GCS's remote-controlled demining platforms, but also to compensate her via the unique Ukrainian leaseholding system whereby the land owner receives rent from the grower. With the money she receives from NIBULON, even during wartime when her fields cannot be cultivated, Natalia is able to repair her damaged home. 

NIBULON were able to direct investment straight to those in need and begin immediately the painstaking demining activity demonstrated by Oleh Portnov, trained by GCS to conduct both manual and mechanical demining. Using GCS's mechanical demining platforms results in clearance up to 10 times faster, and as NIBULON's Head of Demining Maksym Sovietkin points out, is much safer.