Integrated tiller attachment was being operated by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine with our GCS-200 demining platform
Pro Bono demining undertaken by GCS Ukraine in Irpen, Kyiv region
United Nations Day October 24th
Milestone 1,000,000 square metres achieved
A technical & administrative achievement: demining Shyroke with Serhii Peresunko, municipal director
Anatolii Lytvynenko leases eight hectares to NIBULON, now NIBULON have helped demine his land to rescue his harvest
Demining Ukraine by Ukrainians: leaseholders and agriculture working together
Ukraine land owners receive international support to eliminate explosive threats
Watch State Emergency Service of Ukraine deploy our GCS-200
GCS facilitates rebuilding in Bucha
In-kind training to accelerate rebuilding lives and livelihoods in Ukraine
Fire Brigade receives Provincial Explosive Awareness and Reporting training
Certificate of recognition from head of Nova Kakhovka Administration
GCS team visit International Mine Awareness Day exhibition in Kyiv
The exhibition, a joint project by the UNDP and the Legacy Of War Foundation, is dedicated to the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance, marked annually on April 4
GCS honours International Mine Awareness Day
Training with partner NIBULON to maximise speed & efficiency of demining in Ukraine
After-sales support ensures that full capabilities of cutting-edge, remote-controlled #demining technology - the GCS-200 - can be used to maximum effect