Anatolii Lytvynenko leases eight hectares to NIBULON, now NIBULON have helped demine his land to rescue his harvest

The third installment of NIBULON and GCS’s stories from the field as told to Latifundist tells how Anatolii Lytvynenko, who leases eight hectares of his land to NIBULON, was able to demine and sow his fields for this season’s harvest.

While the previous two seasons’ production were lost to the conflict and occupation, Lytvynenko, a former chief construction engineer from Shyroke in Southern Ukraine, is able to look forward to a harvest this year thanks to NIBULON’s demining programme and Global Clearance Solutions’ demining platforms.

The project is supported by DEG Impulse as part of the develoPPP programme with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

GCS Deputy Head of Operations Ashley Williams praises the “coordinated effort”, while Maxim Sovietkin, Head of NIBULON’s demining department underlines the challenges of demining in former occupied territory, challenges which the GCS-200 is optimally suited to, thanks to its speed, but also the safety of a remote-controlled platform.