Milestone 1'000'000 square metres achieved

GCS are proud to announce a significant milestone in demining Ukraine. Utilizing our own demining platforms, GCS-trained operators including the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU), the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (MoD), the National Police of Ukraine (NPU), and NIBULON have successfully cleared 531 landmines and other explosive remnants of war (ERW), representing a major advancement in our mission to restore safety to regions affected by mines. This accomplishment has resulted in the decontamination of over 1,000,000 square metres of land. Operations using our machines have primarily targeted areas with the highest levels of contamination, as illustrated in the map. The focus has been on critical regions such as Mykolaiv (400’000), Kherson (165’000), and Kharkiv (300’000), severely impacted by unexploded ordnance.

Dmytro Salimonov, General Manager of GCS Ukraine underscored GCS’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding communities:

“We can celebrate this milestone thanks to the precision and effectiveness of our technology and the expertise of our mine action specialists and expert deminers in addressing the dangers posed by ERW.”