Forests of Ukraine receive crucial Provincial Explosive Awareness and Reporting training

Ukraine State Authority, Forests of Ukraine, protect 104,000 square kilometres of forest containing over 30 different tree species. A critical global resource, Ukraine’s forests contain 761 million metric tons of carbon in living forest biomass. They are also home to 490 known species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles according to figures from the World Conservation Monitoring Centre UNEP-WCMC. Of these species, 0.8% are endemic, meaning they exist in no other country.

According to GLOBSEC, since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 around 29,000 square kilometres of forests have been affected; 824 forest fires happened across 220 square kilometres. Occupied forestry territories and those along the frontline constitute over 8,000 square kilometres. 

The Government of Ukraine is already considering a long-term plan for the restoration of nature conservation areas affected by the war, where the first step will be in the demining of these territories. The strategy will include actions to rehabilitate ruined ecosystems and to create, at least, new 10 contemporary natural parks, 10 rehabilitation centres for wildlife species and to monitor the restoration of biodiversity.

Supported by DEG Impulse as part of the develoPPP programme with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Global Clearance Solutions (GCS) completed Provincial Explosive Awareness and Reporting training for over 300 forestry workers and leaders, in a combination of online training and in person courses. Forests of Ukraine would like to extend training for all their staff and the flexible, modular nature of the course was particularly well adapted to such an approach.