GCS completes pro bono clearance of site for medical facility

As independent, owner-managed pioneers of mine and weapon clearance, Global Clearance Solutions (GCS) dedicates pro bono projects in Ukraine to ensure end-to-end solutions for demining and eliminating the threat from landmines and other explosive remnants of war. 

Handover of the decontaminated site in Bucha took place on 20 June. GCS not only conducted demining, but our team of specialist experts offered Provincial Explosive Awareness and Reporting (PEAR) training to thirty five medics from Kyiv Regional Psychoneurological hospital in Vorzel as part of our full-spectrum end-to-end elimination of explosive threats ahead of the construction of a new medical facility. Attendees were exhausted after 24 hour shifts but gave their all, supported by our local and international experts.

Also receiving training in explosive threat management were construction workers who will work on site. Dmytro Salimonov, GCS Ukraine General Manager explains: “GCS are pioneers of mine and weapon clearance and while many foreign companies have suspended business activities and investment since the start of the war, we decided as early as mid-2022 to proactively develop the Ukrainian market. Our commitment puts GCS in a position to provide Ukraine with active and sustainable support in the reconstruction process.”