Ukraine Ministry of Defence report on productive working visit

Meeting end customer needs is of utmost importance to GCS and the occasion of a visit from Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence and State Special Transport Service (SSTS) offered a welcome chance to match our latest innovative technology with emerging needs on the ground. The feedback we receive from operators already informs our Research and Development teams, and local production is at the top of the agenda in Ukraine, so as well as our local workshop close to Kyiv we were able to demonstrate our full range of services, including Spare Part supply.

Both Colonel Olha Drobot, Head of the Mine Action Information Management Department and Colonel Yevhenii Zubarevskyi, Head of the Mine Action Organisation Department and Deputy Head of the Mine Action Directorate, both at Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Mine Action, Civil Protection, and Environmental Safety spoke knowledgably about advances in technology in Ukraine and praised GCS’s scaling up of production and presence in Ukraine. As Zubarevskyi said: “Global Clearance Solutions is a global leader in manufacturing robotic demining systems, with its equipment deployed by the Ukraine’s Armed Forces, the State Special Transport Service, the State Emergency Service, and the National Police. The equipment is actively deployed in the demining of Ukrainian territory. These are reliable, modern systems that have demonstrated their effectiveness in carrying out operations.”

He concludes: “It is important to note that the company delivers a comprehensive range of services to the Security and Defence Forces, including training and technical support for its machines. In addition to mechanised demining machines, Global Clearance Solutions is developing cutting-edge technologies to automate the demining process, utilising UAVs and sensors to detect explosive devices,”