Military Engineering Centre of Excellence Industry Day 2023 focuses on future stability — GCS

Military Engineering Centre of Excellence Industry Day 2023 focuses on future stability

Global Clearance Solutions (GCS) would like to thank the organisers of MILENG COE Industry Day 2023 for the opportunity to contribute to the modern, specialist debate on how the latest dual use technology in the field of military engineering can be developed for the benefit of security and stability. 

GCS Head of Hardware and Technology Hagen Fischer, Product Manager Nico Ferraris, Research and Development Manager Dominic Graser, Sales Manager Damir Stimac, Head of Political Affairs Till Oehler and GCS Symlab’s Georg Stirnimann were delighted to present GCS’ own technology, with the mechanical demining platforms GCS-100 and GCS-200 as centrepieces, as well as demonstrating portable jamming devices for the protection of key locations and individuals. 

Hagen Fischer warmly welcomed the positive exchange: “In conversations with NATO and high ranking staff officers, we have been able to confirm the importance of GCS’ Specialist Equipment Solutions, part of our holistic product portfolio, to ensure mobility, counter-mobility, and survivability, all of which are central to the key topic at this year’s conference. We have also noted a number of interesting technologies. At GCS we constantly review and expand our portfolio in anticipation of our clients’ needs.”

Among other distinguished visitors to the Industry Day on Wednesday, the GCS team also had the honour of meeting Dr. Reinhard Brandl, Member of the German Parliament, in whose electoral district MILENG COE is located. We echo Dr. Brandl’s speech opening proceedings, in which he acknowledged MILENG COE’s role in supporting a more efficient and better equipped Germany.  

As Fischer says, “Incorporating new technologies for explosive threat mitigation, whether that be drones, reactive jammers or newly-developed detection and sensor technology, is the right way forward.”
