In “Solutions to win: Ukrainian veterans with disabilities master modern demining technologies in specialised course”, Ukrainian national news media Rubryka reported on our specialised training programme for Ukrainian veterans offering a comprehensive grounding in the latest demining technologies. Rubryka provides solution journalism, not only talking about problems but also about how they can be solved at the national and community level, fostering scalable results and impetus for change.
Organised by the Ukraine Ministry of Economy with the United Nations Development Programme and with funding from the Swedish government, the course provided hands-on experience using our own demining platforms and drone technology coupled with mine action training. The training programme also included specialist medical training for demining. The ultimate objective of the course is to provide employment opportunities for veterans through mine action efforts.
To find out more about the iniative, visit the UNDP website: 12 veterans with disabilities complete training course, opening new opportunities in humanitarian mine action | United Nations Development Programme